Sunday, December 13, 2009
Secret Show
Just a quick thanks to all who came out to our extremely last minute secret show. All things considered it turned out pretty nice. Hopefully we'll put up a bit of video from the preshow in the near future.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We Filmed a Comedy Show (& an interview!), There!
Hey! Our show was a success! It seems like every month grows larger and larger, there was hardly any standing room left! And SCAD isn't even in session!
We've been busy this week running around and prepping the live filming of our performance at the Sentient Bean. We teamed up with the Hawaiian Shirt Show to film the event. In preparation they interviewed us, which you can see in a clip below:
Thanks for all who came out, and wish us luck as we enter ourselves into the Laughing Skull Comedy Festival!
We've been busy this week running around and prepping the live filming of our performance at the Sentient Bean. We teamed up with the Hawaiian Shirt Show to film the event. In preparation they interviewed us, which you can see in a clip below:
Thanks for all who came out, and wish us luck as we enter ourselves into the Laughing Skull Comedy Festival!
Hawaiian Shirt Show,
Laughing Skull,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
We're Filming A Comedy Show
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Jeremy and Josh at The Vortex!
Last Wednesday, Josh and Jeremy drove up to Atlanta and played a club with about 20 other comedians. We had a blast and the crowds were magnificent and welcoming. It was our first "comedy club" gig and we felt completely at home performing on a brilliant stage. We'll be honest, it was overwhelming at first, but once we got into the groove of our sets, we finished each with a ton of laughs to take home.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Livewire Shows
Two Livewire shows to announce. Well one of them was yesterday at 8... It was a late notice thing, so there wasn't too much advertising for it. The show actually went better than I planned. We had two guest comedians come in: Lee Keeler and Phil Keeling... Jeremy performed and yours truly MCed and threw in a couple jokes. Peter was too busy to come out for the show. No worries, though; you can come out to our FREE show on October 15th at 8pm. Peter, myself, and some guest performers, Chris Soucy and Phil Keeling, will be performing.
The show went pretty sweet and I got to personally do what I actually enjoy most about being a comedian which is talking to some of the audience after the show. I met some of the guys from the band The Heavy Pets after the show. Phil and I talked with the guys for a while after the show. It was pretty cool... but sometimes I have to agree with Peter when he says that musicians kind of suck because they are just so much cooler than comedians.
So come out next week to our show at the Livewire (307 W. River St.) at 8pm. And if you have a time machine, hop in it and see our show yesterday.
The show went pretty sweet and I got to personally do what I actually enjoy most about being a comedian which is talking to some of the audience after the show. I met some of the guys from the band The Heavy Pets after the show. Phil and I talked with the guys for a while after the show. It was pretty cool... but sometimes I have to agree with Peter when he says that musicians kind of suck because they are just so much cooler than comedians.
So come out next week to our show at the Livewire (307 W. River St.) at 8pm. And if you have a time machine, hop in it and see our show yesterday.
Chris Soucy,
Lee Keeler,
Phil Keeling,
The Heavy Pets
Monday, October 5, 2009
Jokes, Not That Emo Acoustic Guitar Bullshit

Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Sentient Bean
32 E Park Ave
Have you ever been an open mic with some dumbass emo kid singing "Hey There Delilah" on his brand new guitar and he only knows Three Chords?
We at the Sentient Bean ain't having none of that Emo Acoustic Guitar Bullshit! We've got the best of Savannah's comedy scene for two hours of free stand-up, ready to take your asses from your seats and have them rolling on the ground.
Scheduled to perform:
Lee Keeler
Chris Soucy
Phil Keeling
Josh Wood
Peter Griffin
Jeremy Nguyen
....and more!
Hosted by Patrick the Red, this event is open mic format. Sign-ups at 7, show begins promptly at 8. No cover, no drink minimum, no alcohol. The Sentient Bean is all-ages friendly, but the comedians and the jokes definitely ARE NOT.
The Facebook Event --->
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Cool We got some Ink and Online ink too. It's about one of our famous coffee house shows. Yours Truly is mentioned several times. Of course it is Peter that got the pic. Congrats on the Conquerors and the other comedians.
Read the full article here
Also be sure to see us again this Thursday 8pm at the Sentient Bean.
Read the full article here
Also be sure to see us again this Thursday 8pm at the Sentient Bean.

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Dorsher's North American Debut

An Old friend of mine is making his North America Debut at the Laughing Skull. I could write more but let me just post what is on facebook invite:
After two years of performing Stand-Up comedy on the mean streets of Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau, Michael Dorsher is brining his act back to America. See him along with many other Comedians this week only at The Vortex/Laughing Skull In Atlanta
Fri 9.11.9 - 8pm $15-$18
Sat 9.12.9 - 10pm $15-$18
*** Schedule change****
There will be no Saturday show
There will be two Friday shows so come see Dorsher TONIGHT at 8pm or at 10PM... or even both if you so desire.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Kill or Bomb

Hey guys we got a new show going down this Thurs Sept. 10th at the Sentient Bean. It's Open mic format so some of us will kill (The Conquerors) and others will bomb (My Grandpa telling his knock-knock joke).
Come down to the Savannah's Sentient Bean (13 Park Ave) and watch or even perform if you have the guts. Admission is Free and theirs no age requirement (However some jokes may be too blue for the kiddies). So get your grandmother trashed and ditch her at Bingo and come out to the show.
Comedians set :
~Jeremy Nguyen
~Josh Wood
~Peter Griffin
and ofcourse, the greats,
~Lee Keeler
~Phil Keeling
~Chris Soucy
EDIT: Due to scheduling conflicts, Eve Butler will NOT be performing.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Many Updates
There are so many things to update people on... but I suppose that is what happens when you don't update your blog in over a month. Biggest news was our amazing show on on August 13th. The was also on Jeremy's birthday and was hosted by Peter. Hopefully we will have some video up soon to show so you can laugh as hard as everyone else who was cool enough to come. Like we stated the show was awesome and after we drank at the American Legion and then we were Coaxed into Karaoke where Peter sang some Sublime... Let's just say that he should probably stick with comedy. After that three of us topped off the night will a little IHOP where the late-night waitress may or may not have been hitting on Jeremy. So make sure you come see another magical night of ours next month. Also Josh is offically on IMDB! It may be for Visual Effects and not comedy but hey at least that's still awesome. And finally, the Conquerors (as soon as they stop getting so lazy) will have there own website (not to say that the blog formula isn't great.) But seriously we hope to work on this as soon as we get up off our asses and stop writing dick jokes.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sentient Bean July 9th

Last night the Conquerors and a few other local comedians performed for their monthly stand up night hosted by Patrick the Red. Overall the performance was quite cool. Peter's new "poop a little" joke went over well which was awesome for him. The venue is nice and while some of the comedians are not superstars it's a great time for a few laughs. We met some new comedians that night and shared a few beers with them at the American Legion. It was PBR for Peter and I since we were both incredibly broke (Which is a little lame) Jeremy stood outside since he is underage age (Which is more lame). Make sure you come see us their next month 8/13 Since Peter will be hosting.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Beards of Comedy

This past Sunday I saw the Beards of Comedy at the Laughing Skull (it's part of the Vortex bar and restaurant) in Atlanta. It was pretty damn cool I got there early which is surprising since there are two Vortexes and I apparently thought the comedy was at the other venue. I sat down and ate an Elvis burger which comes with bacon, peanut butter, and plantains my friend ate a coronary burger which had bacon, a fried egg, and lots of mayo. If you get the double the bun are made of two grilled cheese sandwiches. I enjoyed the show since it was a lot like a conquerors show... individual acts and random group skits and songs in between. After the show I hung out and mingled with the beards (Andy Sandford, Dave Stone, Joe Zimmerman, and TJ Young). TJ I had met before and if you dig you'll find a post about him earlier in the blog. Joe was especially nice and hung out with me and my friends for a while after the show (maybe this was mostly beacause my two friends were girls). I also met the manager of the establishment... who actually used to manange The Funny Farm in Roswell which recently closed down. If you've never been to the vortex or the laughing skull I highly reccommend them. The inside has a crazy setup complete with skelletons riding motorcycles and pictures of naked goth girls hung on the walls. Basically a cool place to bring your family.
Joe Zimmerman,
Lauging Skull,
TJ Young,
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Get your dick laughin!
Jeremy here, promoting the open mic goin down at the Sentient Bean! Open mics are unpredictable, you never know whats gonna make you laugh and the Conquerors will be there to test the barriers.
I've performed this event once before with the great Patrick the Red, host of the monthly show. It was off the train ya'll, the audience was all for the jokes, new or old they wanted to laugh their dicks off! It was crazy, intense, and the comedians kept coming. This Thursday, the show is about to go crazy with even more local comedians, wilder jokes, and the unpredictable nature of who will be showing up to perform!
Check out the Facebook event here:
Keep em laughin!
I've performed this event once before with the great Patrick the Red, host of the monthly show. It was off the train ya'll, the audience was all for the jokes, new or old they wanted to laugh their dicks off! It was crazy, intense, and the comedians kept coming. This Thursday, the show is about to go crazy with even more local comedians, wilder jokes, and the unpredictable nature of who will be showing up to perform!
Check out the Facebook event here:
Keep em laughin!
Comedy Event,
Patrick the Red,
Sentient Bean
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New shows
I realized that we really haven't been keeping up with you guys lately... and in fact since our last show in late April I realized we haven't been keeping anyone informed on what's been going on. Not much has been going in comedy lately. We've been doing individual shows lately but in the wake of our finals we had to take a break from big shows... Well school's out for the summer and we are refreshed and ready to go. A week from tomorrow we have a show going on (I'll post more details when I get them). We also have a show coming up in a little over two weeks at the Livewire(Once again details are still coming) Thought I'd let everyone know where and what we are up to.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Last Weekend
So it's April Fools day today and I felt as comedians it would be a good idea to post. No I'm not going to try and fool you with something stupid like "Heroes getting canceled or a movie based on the life of Michael Jackson is being released." However both would not surprise me. I thought instead I tell you a story about my past weekend.
I was out with a couple of my friends drinking. We were at Lulu's which is sort of a chick bar where they sell chocolate and martinis. I told my friends that I would meet up later that I was going to go over to a bar where they were doing $1 beer night. So after being a little under the influence I was walking on River St. and I saw some Army guys making fun of everyone walking by. However I don't think they expected me to walk by that night. When they targeted me I was able to respond to him quickly. He said something lame like. "Hey is it tough for you being retarded." The guy had a Northern Accent so I responded something about him being retarded for being from the North. (Northerners hate when Southerners make fun of their intelligence.) The guy acted surprised I had a comeback. He responded "Where you from?" (Now I've many places both North and South i could have told him that... but where's the fun in that.) "Man, I'm from lots of places... Like 15 minutes ago I was from your mother's house" The guy's friend laughed crazy over this one... The one guy wasn't too amused. He tried to insult me back but they were rather lame. I mentioned that I was a stand-up Comedian and that he wasn't going to win.
It's sort of a mistake to mention this to some people cause then they want you to be an entertainer. I basically excepted their demands of humor and gave them exactly what they wanted which were dirty jokes and insulting them. I felt pretty calm insulting 6 Army guys... you know in case they took it too seriously. After one insult I remember one of the Army guys grabbing my shoulder aggressively and he gave me a cold look like he was going to punch me. After a long pause... He started laughing. I knew at that moment that I had won. Sometimes it's great being a comedian. I went to two bars that I have performed at and was treated very nice. Sometimes you have to have fun with people and not worry too much about the consequences.
I was out with a couple of my friends drinking. We were at Lulu's which is sort of a chick bar where they sell chocolate and martinis. I told my friends that I would meet up later that I was going to go over to a bar where they were doing $1 beer night. So after being a little under the influence I was walking on River St. and I saw some Army guys making fun of everyone walking by. However I don't think they expected me to walk by that night. When they targeted me I was able to respond to him quickly. He said something lame like. "Hey is it tough for you being retarded." The guy had a Northern Accent so I responded something about him being retarded for being from the North. (Northerners hate when Southerners make fun of their intelligence.) The guy acted surprised I had a comeback. He responded "Where you from?" (Now I've many places both North and South i could have told him that... but where's the fun in that.) "Man, I'm from lots of places... Like 15 minutes ago I was from your mother's house" The guy's friend laughed crazy over this one... The one guy wasn't too amused. He tried to insult me back but they were rather lame. I mentioned that I was a stand-up Comedian and that he wasn't going to win.
It's sort of a mistake to mention this to some people cause then they want you to be an entertainer. I basically excepted their demands of humor and gave them exactly what they wanted which were dirty jokes and insulting them. I felt pretty calm insulting 6 Army guys... you know in case they took it too seriously. After one insult I remember one of the Army guys grabbing my shoulder aggressively and he gave me a cold look like he was going to punch me. After a long pause... He started laughing. I knew at that moment that I had won. Sometimes it's great being a comedian. I went to two bars that I have performed at and was treated very nice. Sometimes you have to have fun with people and not worry too much about the consequences.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Reese Waters!
We got to meet Reese Waters after his performance at SCAD. He's a very funny comedian, he's got a laid back style that lets you easily access his material. Here's a picture of us with him.

Yeah, it's kind of blurry. But not as blurry as Josh had told me. The night he told me that that it was out-of-focus, I had a mental image of the international league of Bigfoots meeting: White, black, asian Bigfoots. Sort of like a Rainbow Coalition of Bigfoots.
So I took it upon myself to redraw it, so you can get a clearer picture of some sort. And I included EVERYONE, like Captain Planet and his buddy Jack Daniels.

Yeah, it's kind of blurry. But not as blurry as Josh had told me. The night he told me that that it was out-of-focus, I had a mental image of the international league of Bigfoots meeting: White, black, asian Bigfoots. Sort of like a Rainbow Coalition of Bigfoots.
So I took it upon myself to redraw it, so you can get a clearer picture of some sort. And I included EVERYONE, like Captain Planet and his buddy Jack Daniels.

Thursday, February 19, 2009
25 Random Things You Didn't Know About Hang Gliders

In honor of our new show this Friday: "The 25 Random Things You Didn't Know About Us" We decided to post 25 Random Things about Hang Gliders. Hope you enjoy this list. We'll see you at the show Friday.
25 Random Things You Didn't Know About Hang Gliders
1. We don’t know for sure how to spell hang gliding
2. We think there's a hyphen in it… but we're not looking it up
3. Hang-Gliding champions are huge douche bags
4. Just kidding... INVENTORS of hang-gliding competitions are douche bags
5. Just kidding again, they’re both Douche bags
6. Hang-Gliding is neither a sport, nor a recreational activity… just something for people to do if they are suicidal but don't have the guts.
7. Alex Rodriguez was banned from hang gliding for steroid use
8. 67 Darwin Awards have been given out as a result to Hang-Gliding.
9. Rob Blagojevich tried selling me a hang glider
10. Hang-Gliding for the Homeless is a charity that donates hang gliders to those in need
11. Hang-Gliding was once thought to be a cure for Polio.
12. We looked it up Hang Gliding is two words no hyphen. We got it right the first time.
13. Hanging your brand of Glide floss is not the same as hang gliding. That is actually called Glide Hanging. (side note: Glide Hanging also mean when you hang someone using Glide floss as a noose)
14. A US Airways plane landed in the Hudson River after being hit by a flock of hang gliders.
15. Hang gliding is the closest one can be to becoming a kite
16. The average hang glider goes 256 Mph when it crashes into a train going 256 MPH
17. Ben Franklin actually did not fly a kite to study electricity; he hang-glided.
18. Famous Hang Gliders include Kobe Bryant, Quentin Tarantino, Vlad the Impaler, and American flag sewer Betsy Ross.
19. Hang Gliding was the first Olympic sport... it was soon cut after the gods thought the colorful kites made everyone look like sissies
20. Hang gliding can be combined with water polo to create hang-polo-water-glide. It is doing well in countries such as Poland.
21. A Hang Glider in Ethiopia is known as a vampire.
22. In the movie Transporter 7, Jason Statham choreographed a hang gliding fight scene and lays a beat down on the villain played by Fiona Apple.
23. Magellan shortly after returning home from his famous voyage, circumnavigated the world again, this time on a hang glider
24. There are not 25. Random things about Hang gliders… hence why they don't have a facebook profile.
25. Why did we make a list about hang-gliders?
25 Random Things,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"25 Random Things You Don't Know About Us" show

The Conquerors of Comedy present: the "25 Random Things You Don't Know About Us" Show. Here are three:
1. Peter in the group and is quite the funny guy
2. Josh is also in the group and is quite the funny guy
3. Jeremy is also in the group... that's all
Find out what the other 22 are as we talk about the Oscars, Facebook, and everything else that plagues our minds. You'll see stand up, improv, and our popular regular feature: Headlines & Punchlines. The show is $5 and 21+ So leave your lame underage friends at the dorms and come out February 20th at 8pm to LiveWire Music Hall (307 W. River St. between the MLK and Barnard ramps). Stay after the show and catch live music. So if you didn’t land that job at the Career Fair, it’s all good, just blame it on the economy. Check out the Facebook event page.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New Parking Space
SCAD student wants new parking space, so she creates one. SCAD student crashes her car into the dorms. This was too funny since I go to SCAD.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It is inauguration day! I’m watching it in class, because it just so happens that my class started at 11 and the celebration starts at 11. My schedule this quarter did not work out in my favor for things like this. And Lost. and Heroes. Thank god for Hulu. This comic has also been written by Josh Wood, who is white. But he has a sense of humor no matter what level of racist it is. It seems today that it is a very low level of racism. Who knows what tomorrow will be like!
Inaugural Concert

Head on over to my webcomic and check out more Obama-mania!
Would it be bad if Obama bootlegged a concert put on for his benefit? It’d be just the same as videotaping The Decemberists at your $10,000 prom, or recording a crappy comedian playing at your bat mitzvah. Could you get sued? Probably not. And what if it was illegal, and President Nixon bootlegged his inaugural concert? I imagine that when David Frost would ask him about it his response would be along the lines of, “I’m saying, if the president does it, then it’s not illegal!”
Happy presidency, Obama!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jan 10th Show
Hey, thanks to everyone who came out on Saturday. After much stress and last minute writing we were able to perform our new style variety show. We loved being able to present our new ideas, such as our skits and our Improv stand up battles, things we were unable to do when we were with the Savannah Comedy Revue. To all who weren't there, shame on you. You missed a great show. Who knows when you're going to be able to see an Asian guy pretending to be Gilbert Gottfried reading Haikus? No seriously it's okay if you missed this show, there will be others and they will be soon. As a bonus we decided to put up Headlines and Punchlines, our news bit for you to see. The video looks really bad on youtube... so sorry about the quality. Our camera is also by a fan. Whatever. Keep on checking us out.
Conqueror of comedy,
headlines and punchlines,
Sabrina Jalees

We loved this week because we got to hand out mini-comics that Jeremy made. We really like this comic because it melts two worlds together: stand-up comedy and comics. You should check out his webcomic which is based on our Headlines & Punchlines bit. If you received a comic, leave us a comment in our comments section after this post telling us what you think about it. Thanks to everyone who read it, kept it, and did not throw it away! I feel warm on my insides.
conquerors of comedy,
jeremy and josh,
sabrina jalees,
Monday, January 5, 2009

I'll be performing a great set and presenting comedy illustrations. Also, there will be guest appearances by "Gilbert Gottfried" and "Stan Lee" (Or at least our mockery of them). Come to the show at LiveWire Music Hall and receive a FREE Comic Book written and illustrated by me. Hilariously, it's serious.
See ya Saturday!
Correction: The flier says $3 but it should be $5. We apoligize for the mistake and it should be corrected soon.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Funny Farm with Mr. Cash Cab and TJ

Well I'm back from Atlanta, which means one thing, I am finally able to upload pictures and update my blog.... sorry 'bout that. I wanted to post about a couple of shows at the Funny Farm, including a show with headliner, Ben Bailey from Discovery Channel's Cash Cab. Ben was an incredibly nice and totally willing to talk to me and all his fans after his show. I appreciated his advice and thought his comedy was really clever. He made jokes that were specific to the city he was performing in which I thought to be hilarious since it added a personal feeling to his set. All in all the show was great and if you get the chance, go see Ben Bailey in all his glory.

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